Will anarchy happen?

The Book * Chapter 2 * Page 2

Most likely yes. The current systems are just a preparation to those times when humans are educated well enough and have technologies and resources to more and more live in anarchic systems.

Currently, we can see small outbursts of anarchy every then and when, but usually we are still in preparation. Capitalism, Communism, Religions, all work towards a straightforward goal: A perfect life and or even afterlife.

Anarchy seen in its right idea is a perfect life. No one is bad; no one takes advantage, everyone is friendly and minds his business successfully.

Most likely we will fade into anarchy without recognizing it, soon after total globalization of earth’s nations is accomplished. Such a state cannot withhold evolution, not even remotely drive it, contrary it will provide the means to accelerate anarchy exponentially. Open frontiers mean information and goods will be transferred at almost no cost in practically no time, cutting out middleman taxes, news manipulation and resale, making it possible to an individuum from the other side of the world voting and having a voice in what happens on the entire globe.

One can call that whatever wanted, but in fact, that is way closer to anarchy, than it is to democracy communism, capitalism, nationalism, the three main solutions currently presented to us. Such a system will not be able to survive with nationalism’s armies, capitalism’s wealth, communist social wealth, or less of all, based on classic democratic law and order.

No police force can patrol the globe; no camera can secure it. Anarchy as compared before to what happens in a metro station, or on a family table, is what will ensure the single cogs in that massive system role as they should.