I’ve the urgent urge to do something extremely extreme.
Like renounce my work without knowing where to get money from after
Like run naked down the main street of Hong Kong
Like going beyond the known things.
Instead I’m browsing Facebook.
That’s also extreme.
Extremely retarded.
Sometimes the only way to see a person to be happy, is to let him go.
And sometimes you have to extend this even to the point to let the person go out of your thoughts.
It’s not enough to open the door. also mental attention can bound somebody, bound him to yourself, until it will get you straight to the point you call „dissatisfaction”.
Don’t cry to long after persons you let go away.
In your DNA something of them will keep on living in you, as a subtle signature.
In every cell, in every particle, they are living as a blind memoir, as a subtle feeling.
Always you will keep the loved one’s like notes in the score of your soul.
Your consciousness will recognize primarily the discordant notes.
Those are the most important, then only thorough them you will recognize the grate sound of harmony, which is always present there where the discords don’t resound.
Love is very similar to music.
Both are invisible for all eternities.
Incomprehensible, without solid body.
Once a song ends- where did it go?-
And how did it manage to touch your heart so strong?
Without hands and even body?
All music, all love, is volatile.
You can’t catch it.
It can’t be captured.
It’s the same with encounters in-between humans.
They only exist as long their song lasts.
foggy thoughts
and bulky dreams
are like deadly shots
ending in bloodstreams
stroking you, like slipknots
made of deems
catching you on the exact spots
where you feel safe, or so it seems…
what’s love
the child asked
and the parents lied
what’s life
the child asked
and the parents lied
whats the death
the child asked
and the parents lied
whats hate
the child asked
and the parents lied
why am i here
the child asked
and the parents…
looked to each other
with a repentant look
In sleepless nights
and sleepy days,
unlike thoughtful knight’s
frozen my brain stays,
fighting hopeless fights
against daily grays,
without any insights
on life’s plays,
pretending rights
another’s life pays,
seeking lights
lightning my runways,
something my destiny rewrites
in endless essays….
There exist peoples, who won’t understand one thing:
that that there are peoples who seem to understand that
there are peoples who understand one thing:
that there are peoples who don’t want to understand:
there are peoples who can’t understand:
there are peoples who are able to understand one thing:
that there are peoples who will never understand:
there are peoples who maybe one day will understand,
that there are peoples who always understand one thing:
there are peoples who should understand:
there are peoples who could understand:
understand one thing:
you can’t play games with me!
Without understanding one thing
you will not win the game
believe it or not
you won’t get the pot!
don’t play games,
you will loose anyway, so
Was ist es denn,
was sollte es,
das was euer liebstes,
oder das was teuer liebtest?
Was soll das kümmern,
was soll das wimmern,
über das was fehlt,
wenn ihr’s nicht seht?
Was ist es denn,
was sollte es,
das was ihr am liebsten,
das was ihr das liebste nennt?
Ist es euer alles,
ist es euer nichts!
Muss es sein,
kann es sein?
Müssen tut ihr doch endlos,
nur enden könnt ihr!
Das ist es was ihr wollt?
Zu tun,
was statt sollen,
sein kann!
Allem könnt ihr ein ende setzen,
und nichts wird allem setzen ein ENDE