If there where no Government, no Police, no Taxes, we would have Anarchy! You’d see murders and atrocious acts like back in Stone(d)Age!
Some Random Idiot, You’ve all heard them…
Anarchy, in what in German we call the “Urgedanke” (original thought), has nothing to do with chaos and destruction, murders and atrocious acts, it is, on the contrary, a well-organised society, where each individual has his own responsibility and authority.
Unluckily, and maybe not undeservedly, in recent centuries, anarchism has been the scene of terrorist bombings, and in the last decades, bored young people, mostly from the wealthy upper classes and some other stoned idiots, have taken advantage of “anarchy” as a means for a “Saturday night party”, just to let off some steam on a manifestation.
Anarchism, in truth, is an ancient political and social idea, putting the individual being in control – and as such, should be brought closer to the society and demystified, or, should I say “decriminalised”.
It is (not by accident) the probably oldest social form of human society, and has been more and more demonised by the emerging ruling classes of humans, but has in fact brought ourselves, and the entire nature with us (it’s the other way around) thru millennia of struggle.
Anarchy is what happens when catastrophes hit a country, and the Governments are out of capacity. Then, neighbouring is suddenly a thing. This is anarchy.
Anarchy is what makes the people in an overfilled metro station at high noon not kill each other like a bunch of carnivores would. Everyone minds his own business, and usually complies with things like “common sense”.
This is anarchy.
Anarchy is what happens in a family, where everyone has a role, well defined, and still, no one has total power over anyone else.
This is anarchy.
Anarchy means the absence of domination, not the lack of social order, for there is another adequate expression already:
An “absence of domination” (Anarchy) does not mean that there is “no order” (Anomie). It just means, no one can permanently misuse power to produce obedience to commands from others and justify this thru a socially accepted rule.
Of course, anarchy is also what happens when we want the same piece of meat, and either choose to share or not.
Yes, anarchy can mean brutal, the natural struggle where the stronger may – in some cases – eradicate or weaken the weaker.
Let me remind you that no rule ever made by humans, ever successfully stopped strong from killing weak.
Our modern human rules may be successful in punishing after any prohibited act is done – it, however, cannot avoid the act itself to happen.
The absence of such written rule hence would have no impact at all, it merely avoids more death thru persecution.
In an anarchistic system, laws that can not be broken by anything or anyone, because they are given by nature, are taken into consideration instead of rules made by humans.
These laws, do not need a “ruling class” to enforce them – because they are self-appealing and performing by their nature.
When laws are considered by society instead of human rules, many things we do nowadays which empower us to even think evil, become almost impossible. Since there is no ruling class, there is as well no class struggle and hence, no conflict of interest and possibility to gain positions in a vertical power ladder with a whole society’s support, but only with your own abilities.
In anarchy, Hitler would have had to explain himself to every fucking German, as they would not have received orders thru a chain of people.
Any “law” requiring a guardian is not a law. A law does not need any of this. Only rules do since they can be broken.
That’s right. Anarchy does not need a law book to avoid mass murder.
Law books never prevented mass murder, circumstances do.